共用 包容 協作 共塑亞太航空新未來
Asia Pacific: Uniting to Shape the Future of Civil Aviation through Commitment and Collaboration
Ma Kai Delivers a Speech on Strengthening Asia Pacific Connectivity and Promoting Belt and Road Initiative Development at the APAC Ministerial Conference on Civil Aviation
The First Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Civil Aviation Adopts Beijing Declaration, a Multilateral Policy Guideline for Promoting Future Civil Aviation Development in the APAC Region
Li Jian Meets with EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky
Wang Zhiqing Meets with Guests from Mongolia, Russia and Indonesia
Wang Zhiqing Meets with IATA Director General
Feng Zhenglin Meets with ICAO Council President Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu
Feng Zhenglin Meets with Indian and ROK Guests
China, where the ancient meets the new
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